Curriculum and Evaluation


The school follows the curriculum for different classes as prescribed by The Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi. The curriculum and teaching are practical and aim at developing communicative competence , expressing ideas and freedom of thought, seeking to develop children as socially and morally upright individuals.

The subjects taught are :-

English, Hindi, Sanskrit , Mathematics , Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History , Civics,  Economics, Geography, Moral Science , General Knowledge, EVS, Commerce stream with Mathematics , Marketing. The S.U.P.W  and Work Experience are parts of the curriculum, Computer as work Experience is compulsory from Class II onwards.


Pen and paper examination of classes I to XII will be conducted. These examinations will test the achievements of basic learning outcomes, through assessment of core concepts and knowledge rather than rote learning.

Continuous assessment of the progress and development  of the child is conductedthroughout the year by means of observation , interaction & worksheets.

Students are graded for different skills in relevant areas throughout the year. However, besides Mid Term Exam and Annual Exam there are Periodic Assessments in different subjects in every term. Internal Assessment includes subject enrichment activities, project based activities, portfolio, multiple assessments.

Attendance is also given weightage in Internal Assessment.

Promotion to the next class is based on the day-to –day work of the students throughout the year and alsoon the performance in all the spheres.